Four Ways Commercial Cleaners Help Your Bottom Line

A clean office offers numerous benefits – and an improved aesthetic is only one of them.

Not only does a clean office look better for your clients and employees, but it can reduce the spread of illness, increase safety, and reduce stress as well. And in fact, each of these facets can directly correlate to how much money your business is making.

Here are four ways commercial cleaning can improve your bottom line:

1. Cleaning = Happier, More Productive Employees

A Clean Workspace is a Productive Workspace

Cleaning guru Marie Kondo says that only items that “spark joy” should be allowed in a home, and the rest, you should throw away. Similarly, a deep-cleaned office can spark joy in the employees who spend 40+ hours of their week there. Clean offices lead to increased focus, which then leads to increased productivity – and more work means a better bottom line.

One of the most apparent ways commercial cleaners contribute to your bottom line is by enhancing productivity. When employees work in a clean and organized environment, they are more likely to stay focused and complete tasks efficiently. A clutter-free workspace also reduces distractions, allowing your team to concentrate on their work.

Research has shown that a tidy workspace can boost employee productivity by up to 15%. This increase in productivity directly translates into cost savings and improved revenue generation for your business. When tasks are completed faster and with fewer errors, your company’s efficiency and profitability soar.

2. Free Up Time for Primary Work Goals

Free Up Time for What Matters Most

Just as productivity can be increased by a cleaner office, it can be decreased by an office in need of attention. If an office needs to be cleaned, it may take more time to wade through endless documents, wipe up kitchen messes, or even take more sick days. Commercial cleaning can eliminate these issues, which allows you and your employees to focus solely on work.

Commercial cleaners go beyond surface-level cleanliness; they ensure that your workplace is free from harmful germs and allergens. This not only reduces the number of sick days taken by employees but also enhances their overall well-being.

Fewer sick days mean fewer disruptions in workflow, leading to cost savings. Moreover, a healthier workforce is a more motivated and engaged one. When your employees feel cared for, they are more likely to stay with your company, reducing turnover costs.

Ready to experience a new shine?

Transform your space with a touch of cleaning excellence.

3. More Satisfied Customers

Positive Brand Image

First impressions make a lasting impact. Just as clients pay attention to one’s dress and appearance, they similarly notice the cleanliness and organization of the office. Commercial cleaning can be more thorough than cleaning by yourself and creates an office environment that is sure to impress clients upon walking through the door. Then, clients are more likely to return – and to spread positive reviews by word of mouth!

Commercial cleaners play a pivotal role in shaping the perception of your brand. A clean and well-maintained office or retail space leaves a lasting impression on clients and visitors. It conveys professionalism, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality.

A positive brand image can directly impact your bottom line by attracting more clients, partners, and investors. It can lead to increased sales, partnerships, and opportunities that may not have been possible with a shabby or unkempt workspace.

4. Save Money in the Short and Long Term

Cost Savings on Cleaning Supplies

While commercial cleaning may seem expensive at first, it ultimately can save your company money. One thorough, in-depth cleaning can eliminate the need for repeated smaller cleanings over time. Furthermore, commercial cleaning can eliminate issues like asbestos, leaks, and more that arise from lack of maintenance, saving money that would have to be spent on emergency repairs or replacements. Additionally, it allows you to engage with a third-party vendor rather than hiring, insuring, and managing your own in-house team.

Outsourcing your cleaning needs to commercial cleaners can also lead to significant cost savings. Instead of investing in expensive cleaning equipment and supplies, you can rely on the expertise of professionals who have access to the best tools and cleaning agents.


In conclusion, commercial cleaners are more than just janitors; they are integral to the success of your business. Their impact on productivity, employee health, brand image, and cost savings cannot be understated. Investing in professional commercial cleaning services is an investment in the long-term profitability and sustainability of your company.

Incorporating commercial cleaners into your business strategy can lead to a cleaner, healthier, and more profitable workspace. Don’t underestimate the impact of a clean environment on your company’s bottom line.


How often should I hire commercial cleaners for my business?

The frequency of hiring commercial cleaners depends on the size and nature of your business. In most cases, a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning schedule is sufficient. However, high-traffic areas may require more frequent cleaning.

Are commercial cleaning services environmentally friendly?

Many commercial cleaning services offer eco-friendly cleaning options. It’s essential to discuss your preferences and environmental concerns with the cleaning company to find the best solution for your business.

Can I trust commercial cleaners with confidential information in my office?

Reputable commercial cleaning companies prioritize security and confidentiality. They often have stringent hiring and training processes in place to ensure the trustworthiness of their staff.

What should I look for when hiring a commercial cleaning service?

When hiring a commercial cleaning service, consider their reputation, experience, insurance coverage, and customer reviews. It’s also advisable to request a detailed quote and discuss your specific cleaning needs.

Do commercial cleaning services provide post-pandemic cleaning protocols?

Yes, many commercial cleaning services have adapted to the post-pandemic landscape and offer specialized cleaning protocols to ensure a safe and hygienic workplace.

The next time your office needs a sanitary update, reach out to receive your free quote from Buildingstars! Not only will the end product be a cleaner, safer, healthier office – but an improved bottom line, too.